Alumnae News

Oakcrest 2024 Talent Show

Each spring, students have the opportunity to share their gifts and talents in the Oakcrest Talent Show! From singing original songs to Broadway favorites, dancing traditional Irish dance to contemporary movement, performing Disney classics on violin to beautiful piano concertos, the 2024 Oakcrest Talent show was a delight to all. 
Thank you to each of our performers! 

Danea C ‘30 - Rubix Cubes
Clementine M ‘30 and Marianna M ‘30 - Irish Dancing 
Susanna C ‘30 - Contortion
Theodora N ‘28 - Contemporary Dance

Grace H ‘27 - Cello
Olivia M ‘29 - Piano
Evelyn M ‘29 - Piano 
Coco P ‘27 and Jasmine C ‘30 - Violin 

Ronnie N ‘25
Frankie D ‘24
Ana Sofia J ‘26
Aline T ‘27
Jane D ‘28 and Isabella V ‘28
Heidi B ‘24
Lily S ‘25

At the end of the show, the student body voted on their favorites in each category, selecting Clementine M ‘30 and Marianna M ‘30 for their Irish dancing performance, Coco P ‘27 and Jasmine C ‘30 for their violin rendition of “A Whole New World” from Aladdin, and Heidi B ‘24 for her original song titled “2024”. 
    • Danea C '30 solving Rubix cubes

    • Heidi B '24 performing her original song "2024"

    • Duet Jasmine C '30 and Coco P '28 play "A Whole New World" from "Aladdin"

    • Grace H '27 plays the cello

    • Marianna M '30 and Clementine M '30 Irish dance

    • Theodora N '28 contemporary dance

1619 Crowell Road, Vienna, VA 22182