Many Oakcrest alumnae have gone on to play sports at the collegiate level, from lacrosse at the Coast Guard Academy to track and field at UCLA. They compete on a variety of different teams, from Division III to Division I schools.

This is a guideline to help our student-athletes understand the basics about the recruiting process and how it works.

Coach Caroline Heeter '97, our Upper School Athletic Director, will work with Mrs. Jessica DeVera, our Director of College Counseling, to guide Oakcrest students through the college athletic recruiting process.

Even students who would like to play a sport at the collegiate level which Oakcrest currently does not offer will receive the personal attention they need to pursue their goals.

Contact Coach Heeter to discuss your dreams of playing a sport in college.

Recruiting Calendars

Every recruiting calendar is different for each sport. To find a precise recruiting calendar for your sport, click here. 

Contact Period: During this time, college coaches may have a face-to-face contact with a student athlete or her parents. They may also watch the student-athlete compete and/or visit her high school. College coaches may also call the student-athlete or her parents. When you start to have contact with and interest from coaches, you should contact Ms. Heeter.

Evaluation Period: In this period college coaches may watch a student-athlete compete, visit her high school, or call a student-athlete or her parents. However, they may not have a face-to-face meeting with the student-athlete or her parents. 

Quiet Period: College coaches may write or call the student-athlete or her parents, but they may not have face-to-face contact or watch student-athletes compete or visit their high schools. 

Dead Period: College Coaches may write or call student-athletes or their parents during a dead period, but they may not have face-to-face contact with the student or her parents and may not watch the student athlete or visit their high schools. 

College Athletics Divisions

Division I 
The highest level of competition and commitment. Student-athletes are expected to train 6 days a week, 4 hours a day. Division I schools offer the most athletic scholarships and have the biggest athletic budgets. 

Division II 
More balanced; not as competitive and intense as Division I but still offer competitive competition with growth opportunities. 

Division III
No athletic scholarships offered; more of an academic focus while also offering competitive athletics.

National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics; Smaller private schools 

National Junior College Athletic Association- Two year programs; opportunity to sharpen skills to further your athletic career and transfer to a larger four-year college. 

Interested in playing sports in college? There are some rules you should know.

Interested in playing DI or DII?  
You need to be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center to compete at this level. You will have to create an account with the NCAA. 

In most (but not all) sports, coaches cannot contact you until after your sophomore year of high school. In other sports, the contact window does not begin until the fall of junior year. 

Within that calendar there are contact periods when a coach can make an in-person, off-campus visit to a recruit, evaluation periods when off-campus evaluations are allowed but no direct contact can be made, quiet periods when only in-person/on-campus contact can be made, and a dead period when no recruiting contacts or evaluations of any kind can take place.

A “contact” is defined as any time a coach does more than just say hello during a face-to-face meeting.

Interested in playing DIII or Undecided?
Sign up at the NCAA Profile Page. This will send you important reminders as you complete high school to make sure you are on the right track. 

Division III recruiting rules include:
  • After 11th grade a coach can have unlimited contact with an athlete.
  • Prior to 11th grade, a coach can send you printed materials and make contact by phone.
  • Athletes are allowed one official visit to a given school beginning senior year.
  • Athletes can make as many unofficial visits as they like.
NAIA recruiting rules include:
  • Athletes must register through the NAIA Eligibility Center, a similar process to that of an NCAA athlete.
  • Recruiting rules are similarly lenient to those of NCAA DIII. Coaches can contact athletes any time.
  • As with DIII, there are no “dead periods” or “quiet periods.” The recruitment process is less formal and more of an ongoing conversation than a rule-governed contract negotiation.

Steps to take when interested in playing sports in college:

  1. Create a target list of colleges. What division are you interested in? Start with your dream all the way to safety schools. Talk with your Oakcrest coach and Ms. Heeter for ideas. 
  2. Contact the coaches at your target colleges.
    • Email them with your schedule; let them know when you will be at certain tournaments and showcases. 
    • Send them your athletic resume filled with your athletic achievements.
  1. Attend Showcases and Summer Camps 
    • If a coach shows interest in you in a camp or showcase, email the coach immediately after the event.
  1. Become familiar with NCAA recruiting guidelines and rules. Each sport varies its recruiting timeline. 
  2. Register with NCAA eligibility center 
Navigating through your college search process with athletics in mind can be a challenge. That is why we are always here to help. For any additional information or questions feel free to reach out to Ms. Heeter.