
Zoe '23

When Zoe B. '23 thinks about her favorite parts of a typical Oakcrest School day, three things come to mind: seeing the smiling faces of Head of School Dr. Mary T. Ortiz and Dean of Students Meghan Hadley ‘06 at the beginning of the day, getting to stop in the Chapel throughout the day, and ending it all by laughing with her classmates in the senior loft.
“After seven years at Oakcrest, I’m going to leave with a profound appreciation for the relationships I’ve formed with the faculty and staff,” Zoe explained. “These women have guided me through so many ups and downs of my life, and the value of the example of virtue they’ve set for me is truly inestimable. If I can graduate after these seven years having learned to emulate, even in small ways, the virtues that the Oakcrest teachers exemplify every day, then I’ll be very happy.” 

As an Acorn, having nearly completed the Oakcrest experience, Zoe remembers many of her Oakcrest classes well, particularly her sixth grade history class with Ginny Boles, her sophomore year history class with Christine Nussio, and her senior statistics course with Heather Finkler. 

“History has always been my favorite subject, and Ms Boles’s class in 6th grade was what really sparked that interest,” Zoe said. “Ms. Nussio’s AP European History class was fascinating in the way that she ‘told’ every lesson like it was a story. We’d be laughing like crazy one minute, and then on the edge of our seats the next over her stories of the kings and queens of England or the French revolution. Ms. Finkler’s statistics class senior year has been quite a party. We start every class talking about our weekends, how we’re all doing, and telling stories before learning about personal finances. I look forward to statistics the most because I love the subtle wisdom Ms. Finkler sprinkles throughout our conversations, as well as the opportunity to learn some really useful skills.” 

Throughout the school year, Zoe participates on the Varsity Track and Field team, and this past winter was a founding member of the indoor track team, which she helped initiate. As a junior, she helped the sixth grade deans lead the weekly 6th grade lunch club, which she said was “a very fun and formative experience that helped me get to know the younger girls in the school.”

“By the end of the year I grew a lot in leadership through being a role model for these girls, and through working hard to exemplify to them the virtues that an Oakcrest graduate should have,” she said. 

Outside of Oakcrest, Zoe trains year-round for track and enjoys hiking, camping, skiing, and spending time playing games with her family, and cooking with her friends. 