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Oakcrest Responds to Bishop Burbidge’s Call to Support the Virginia March for Life

Responding to Bishop Burbidge’s call to support the Virginia March for Life, Oakcrest School in Vienna  sent a busload of students and faculty members to Richmond on February 13th. After having had the honor of leading the national March for Life in January, Oakcrest students recognized their responsibility to be leaders in the effort to defend human life at every stage.

Soon after leaving campus, the students and faculty prayed the Rosary to entrust the trip and its fruits to Our Lady.  At the rally, the students heard several speakers discuss the the two extreme pro-abortion laws currently going through the State House and Senate.  The Oakcrest students became better informed of the current laws under debate, the impact of abortion on mothers, parents and children, and their important role of leading the charge today for the right to life at all stages.

Wearing their signature green March for Life hats, the Oakcrest group was easily recognized by those who attended the national March for Life, including Jeanne Mancini, the president of the March for Life. “My heart melted when I saw them,” she told Jennifer Kilmer, Oakcrest teacher and faculty advisor to the Oakcrest Respect Life Club.
A highlight for the Oakcrest group was talking with Bishop Burbidge and having their picture taken with him.  He told the students that he was very happy that Oakcrest came to Richmond for the March for Life.

“As a school in Virginia, we have a very important obligation to help inform others and to impact change. Our students understood after the rally that we need to change hearts of many by prayer, sacrifice, conversations – a call to action!” remarked Mrs. Kilmer.

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1619 Crowell Road, Vienna, VA 22182