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Oakcrest Intern Leads New 7th Grade Club in Discussion of Friendship

This year, Oakcrest inaugurated the 7th Grade Club, an opportunity for Class of 2025 to meet regularly and discuss ways to grow in friendship and have fun together. The club is led this semester by Blanca Fernandez, who is from Seville, Spain and is serving as an Oakcrest intern.

On November 4, Ms. Fernandez led the seventh grade in a discussion on using one’s freedom for the pursuit of excellence. 

Ms. Fernandez recently graduated from Ceu San Pablo University with a degree in Primary Education focused on special needs education. She spent this past summer in New York working for a non-profit called World Youth Alliance (WYA), which promotes the development of societies that foster the dignity of each human person. Ms. Fernandez took part in conferences at the United Nations and worked on different educational projects, learning the core ideas of WYA which have become an inspiration for her life and professional work. Since arriving at Oakcrest in September, Ms. Fernandez has served the school in many ways, including teaching Spanish, substitute teaching, and assisting with the Parent Support Program. 

Ms. Fernandez’s goal with the 7th grade Club over the next few weeks is to show students the path from understanding human dignity to friendship and authenticity using their freedom for excellence. Upcoming topics include authenticity, solidarity, and leadership. 

“My hope is that the girls will grow as a class as well as individually as they study questions about their own human dignity and how to work hard to reach their goals,” says Ms. Fernandez. 

Learn more about clubs at Oakcrest. 
1619 Crowell Road, Vienna, VA 22182