Girls Thrive at Oakcrest

Oakcrest School, in partnership with parents, challenges girls in grades 6-12 to develop their intellect, character, faith, and leadership potential to thrive in college and throughout their lives.

Guided by the teachings of the Catholic Church and the spirituality of Opus Dei, we weave together a rich liberal arts curriculum, character development, one-on-one mentoring and service to create a vibrant environment that graduates confident, young women–young women who will make a difference in all they choose to do.

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Recent News

List of 3 news stories.

  • The Class of 2024

    Oakcrest School Graduates the Class of 2024

    With great joy, Oakcrest School announces the graduation of the 38 members of the Class of 2024. In a beautiful commencement ceremony on Saturday, June 8, the number of Oakcrest alumnae rose to 1,060 since the school’s founding in 1976 in Washington, D.C. 
  • The Class of 2024

    Lead Days prepare seniors for life beyond Oakcrest

    After the completion of the high school years, uniforms are tucked away and life after Oakcrest begins. Now what? 

    Lead Days, a two-day series of workshops for seniors, seek to prepare students for the future with practical tips and advice for all areas of life. 
  • Mia N '27 to attend Living Latin workshop in Rome, Italy

    Mia N. ’27 is embarking on a unique summer adventure to Rome where she’ll be immersed in the Latin language, ancient texts, and the many historic Roman sites. 

Upcoming Events

List of 6 events.

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Why We Love Oakcrest

1619 Crowell Road, Vienna, VA 22182