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Oakcrest students and alumnae backpack in Colorado with Camp Wojtyla

In July, five Oakcrest students and six Class of 2022 alumnae joined Dean of Students Meghan Hadley ’06 to hike in the backcountry of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in Colorado.

Camp Wojtyla is a Catholic Summer Adventure Program based in the heart of the Rocky Mountains that hosts camps throughout the summer for teenagers. This year, Oakcrest had the opportunity to partner with Camp Wojtyla to host a session exclusively for Oakcrest students. Three Camp Wojtyla counselors led the Oakcrest trip along with Ms. Hadley. 

Throughout the nine days spent in the backcountry, the girls faced the physical challenges of hiking up mountains while carrying their belongings on their backs and camping in rain or shine. They were tasked with preparing meals together as a group, bringing supplies with them in bear bins and learning how to use cooking equipment while camping. 

While each girl endured the difficulties that come along with trekking at high elevation, the students kept a spirit of joy among them, singing songs and building community among one another. Woven into the week were discussions on a variety of topics, including St. Pope John Paul II’s “Letter to Women,” which provides the language for and foundation of Oakcrest’s mission to form women as trustees of humanity. 

“The Oakcrest girls were stretched physically on this trip,” Ms. Hadley said. “But they were also challenged and bolstered mentally and spiritually. I saw the Holy Spirit at work every day on the trail. And I feel blessed that I get to be back at Oakcrest this fall where it will see the trip continue to bear fruit.” 

Ultimately, the girls experienced a deepening of friendship and an awe for the wonder of God’s beautiful creation -- both in one another and in the world around them.
    • Abby A. ’22, Adair R. ’22, Elisabeth D. ’22, Katherine L. ’22, Caroline N, ’22, Anne Marie B. ’22 along with Bianca N. ’23, Madie C. ’23, Elizabeth L. ’23, Ellie B. ’24, and Kathryn S. ’24 joined Dean of Students Meghan Hadley '06 on a camping trip with Camp Wojtyla.

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